We Have Enough Money to Invest in Children

For the past twenty years, I have filmed children all over the world in every conceivable form of poverty and abuse, from global child labor (Stolen Childhoods, 2004) to the struggles of street children (Rescuing Emmanuel, 2009). The Same Heart is the third film in this trilogy, and it confronts one of the central issues of our time: growing inequality and poverty with its impacts on children in the U.S. and abroad.

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Host A Screening of The Same Heart

If you believe as we do that inequality and poverty have created an emergency for today's children and that a financial transaction tax can provide the funding needed to meet children's needs, please show The Same Heart to your friends, organizations and classmates.

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The Lollipop Project

Filming in Kenya in late 2012 we interacted with hundreds of children; at their schools, in their homes and as we crisscrossed the country in our production van. The filming had gone on for weeks and it was depressing to see these bedraggled babies, with their rags and obvious malnutrition. We wished a major charity was in the van, handing out food aid and clean water but we settled on lollipops, thousands and thousands of lollipops.

We'd see a group of children by the side of the road and stop and prepare for a lollipop moment, a way of giving love with no strings attached.

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A profile of six students supported by the Kenyan Schoolhouse program (kenyanschoolhouse.org) at the Kimana Secondary School, a provincial high school located near Mount Kilimanjaro in southeastern Kenya. 70% of the students come from the Masai tribe.

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